Everything is energy


As I sit and watch a rather large storm brewing outside my house, I start to think about energy.

I love the crazy energy that a building storm brings.

My hair will sense a storm several hours before it even hits.

Everything is energy, and just as my hair will pick up the storms energy and pre-warn me with massive curls and frizz, so to can the energy you put out affect those around you.

So I ask you this, do you think it’s possible that if you consciously decide to emit positive energy, that more often than not, you will attract positive energy in return?

This positive energy will present itself through the people you meet or the situations you encounter.


Likewise if we keep holding on to negative thoughts and feelings those feelings will keep growing stronger and bringing more negative energy, thoughts, feelings and situations our way.

Where your focus goes the energy flows.

Next time you are lying down, try this; lie on your back with your palms facing up to the ceiling.
Focus on your palms and as you do, notice a slight tingling feeling in your hands, then notice that feeling intensifying, as you hold your focus there…..

Crazy huh!

Everything is energy, it’s up to you how you want to use it.

Feeling fortunate


If you have little money but a wealth of loving friends and family around you are rich!

If you can find something positive in every situation you can always find joy!

If you can keep calm when chaos surrounds you, you can survive anything!

If you can remember that there is always someone more attractive, fitter, stronger, wealthier, younger, more successful than you then you can always feel fortunate and love yourself and find happiness within!

Don’t allow minor obstacles become huge issues

This morning after the power went out, I showered and got dressed in the dark, jumped on the bus with no morning coffee, peacock hair and a shirt on inside out, then I thought about obstacles.

Now anyone who knows me knows I am the type of girl who regularly sports a natural (otherwise known as messy) hairstyle and I rarely wear makeup, so while the shock of looking at myself in the mirror later, wasn’t too extreme, my lack if morning routine coffee was certainly not ideal.

Life is what you make it, simple as that!

If you are the person to need a hair straightener in the morning and the power is out, would you hide away from the world or would you rock that frizzy Afro with style.

Later during my class when the stereo stopped momentarily I did some interpretative dance, ok that’s not true, but I didn’t freeze up and panic.

Life is filled with little obstacles, but what you choose to do with those little obstacles is up to you.

You have the ability to accept everything thrown at you, to deal with it and move on.

No matter how big or small, you can change the way you think.

You can simply not allow those obstacles to become major issues.

Obstacles are there to test us, to teach us a lesson, to help us grow.

Issues are the way you react to those obstacles.

Happy Monday; embrace your obstacles, grow stronger, rock that peacock hair if you need to.

If you can’t laugh at yourself then what you can laugh at 🙂

Selfish Saturday

So today on fabulous Friday, I would like you to all do me a favour.

Close your eyes for a moment and think about something you can do tomorrow that is purely selfishly just for you.

Do it now, close your eyes, think about something you want to do, something that doesn’t involve anyone but you.

Even if its hiding in the bathroom for 5 minutes, going for a walk by yourself, think big, think small; it doesn’t matter, but it needs to be something for you and you alone.

Picture it, feel it, imagine it with vivid clarity.

Then my next request is tomorrow you do everything you can to make this happen- why because you deserve it!

You deserve to feel fabulous, to be selfishly indulgent if even for a moment.

You deserve to be happy, to succeed, to look after yourself.

Taking time out from your everyday life is so important, to recharge, regroup and give you energy for the week ahead.

You owe it to yourself!

Count blessings and find gratitude


Today I sat by the river at Currumbin and I thought about and counted everything I am grateful for.


I felt so grateful for the simple fact that I had several things to count.

It can be so easy to focus on everything that is wrong in our lives, rather than spending time thinking about all the things that are right.

So today that is what I did, I thought about all the many wonderful, beautiful things, people and moments in my life.

I counted my blessings and felt a rush of gratitude.

The positive flow on effects of this type of thinking are huge.

Try it, I dare you!

Motivational Monday’s

Welcome to your regular Monday post.

Today’s post is about positive choices.

Happy Monday everyone and thanks for reading!


As I type it’s 5:34 (precise much ??hehe) on a Monday morning.

The alarm went off at 5 and I wanted to punch it’s shrieking little reminder in the face.

I want to do this every Monday morning, until the grogginess subsides and I remember why I am waking up.

It’s now 5:36 and I am on the bus heading into the city to teach a class.

I often wonder if I wasn’t teaching, would I in fact have the motivation to get up at this time.

As a fitness instructor, I would love to answer yes without hesitation, but you see I am also human.

We get tired, we make excuses, we procrastinate.

We make choices.

We make choices, consciously or not, our choices form our habits, and if you don’t like the habits you have, you simply need to make different choices and form new habits.

Easy right?

Of course not, but possible yes- definitely!

What positive choice will you make today that can positively change your life.

It doesn’t need to be in a big momentous way, but it’s needs to set a new positive movement in your life.
