Selfish Saturday

So today on fabulous Friday, I would like you to all do me a favour.

Close your eyes for a moment and think about something you can do tomorrow that is purely selfishly just for you.

Do it now, close your eyes, think about something you want to do, something that doesn’t involve anyone but you.

Even if its hiding in the bathroom for 5 minutes, going for a walk by yourself, think big, think small; it doesn’t matter, but it needs to be something for you and you alone.

Picture it, feel it, imagine it with vivid clarity.

Then my next request is tomorrow you do everything you can to make this happen- why because you deserve it!

You deserve to feel fabulous, to be selfishly indulgent if even for a moment.

You deserve to be happy, to succeed, to look after yourself.

Taking time out from your everyday life is so important, to recharge, regroup and give you energy for the week ahead.

You owe it to yourself!