Doing what you love and loving what you do


As I type I am sitting in a newly created zen room in my house, a place to exercise, a place to work, a place just for me.

I listen to music, I look out at my frangipani trees, a light breeze is blowing in through the windows, and I think about my life. I am currently working on some business plans, this morning I taught a fitness class.

I am doing what I love and I am loving what I do.

As I have said before, it isn’t always easy, yet if you love what you do, the obstacles suddenly become challenges rather than threats or annoyances, and every goal achieved however small is a huge win.

If you are not doing what you love or loving what you do, ask yourself why.

Is it fear?

Fear can be overcome.

Fear of ridicule, fear of failure, all thoughts in your mind, all can be changed.

Trust yourself, believe in yourself, love yourself enough to do what you love and then spend every waking minute loving what you do.

Don’t you owe it to yourself to be happy, then share that happiness with your partner, your colleagues, your parents, your friends, your kids.