Stop punishing yourself!

You are human.

You are allowed a rest day.

You are allowed to make mistakes.

You do not have to be perfect.

Last night, I was invited to a yoga event by a lovely client. It was an awesome event, yoga on a rooftop with glow sticks. Now, as you know, I love colour, I love things that glow, I love yoga, I love connection.

I also love and care about the environment. I was super excited to put my little glow sticks on, but I was also trying to shush the little voice in my head saying these are so bad for the environment, you are a bad person.

Here is the thing , the glow sticks were open, and ready to go, if I didn’t wear mine they would have been chucked in the bin and wasted. I made peace (sort of) with wearing them, and I did completely enjoy my event and I made an effort after the event to go around and pick up the discarded glow sticks people had left on the ground (hopefully accidentally).

I choose to not use plastic straws anymore, yet occasionally I will buy sushi and it is given in a plastic box. I choose to take my coffee keep cup and my resusable water bottle everywhere. I no longer use cling film.

I try to make a difference, but I am also trying to not get angry at myself for the occasions as above.

Stop Beating Yourself UP – Note to me and to YOU!

If you ate the donut – you are not fat, weak, a failure – you ate a bloody donut.

The glass of wine you drank – unless you are drinking excessively, it’s ok – heck some studies say it is good for you.

The gym session you missed and hated yourself for the rest of the day – Perhaps skipping that session, prevented an injury. Perhaps allowing yourself to rest was the best and kindest thing you could have done for your body and your mind.

Stop hating yourself for the choices you make – unless you are consistently making bad choices, and getting bad results – you are making the right choice for you at that moment in time.

You are not perfect. I am not perfect. We are human and we are all in this together.

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